
Rave and Rant about Raunch

Friday, February 20, 2015

Review by Jenn: Bender by Stacy Borel

The Core Four Book 1
By Stacy Borel
Coming of Age, Sports, Romance

All Keegan wanted was a roommate who was quiet, minded their own business, and paid for part of the rent. Instead, she got Camden Brooks. 

Camden, with his sinful body, sharp tongue, and the inability to stay out of Keegan’s personal space, couldn’t seem to curb his interest in the new girl who wouldn’t put up with his domineering ways. Feelings were running rampant, sexual tension was thick, and both were struggling to let go of control. 

To some people, getting a roommate simply meant living with another person. But to both Camden and Keegan it was a curveball that neither was prepared to swing at. 

**Strong sexual content** 

Can be read as a stand alone. Each brother will have their own book. 
(A 96,000 word novel)

Jenn's Star Rating
(4.5 Stars)

I was in a place where I NEEDED to make sure the next book I read was great, that I would love it. I have also recently been trying to read authors who I have never read a previous book written by them. I contacted a friend for some book recommendations and this is what brought me to Bender. I had a recommendation that I would love this book and an author I had not previously read before and BINGO; I started out on my next book adventure.

I love the Alpha males but sometimes I think I am a little too picky about them. I love the dominance but not the control; well I mean control outside the bedroom. Often times the alphas we read about who crave control take away all choices from the woman in all aspects of her life. I hate this. This is not Camden though. Camden is all alpha, strong and set in his ways. He has lived a life where he has never had to compromise and consult with a girlfriend. He leaves room for change though and knows he has to grow while learning how to navigate being in an actual relationship. Enough with my analyzing though… let’s get to the good stuff. Camden is sexy, strong, and works hard at the gym he owns. He’s loyal to a fault and a family man. His steamy words got me going more than once and he totally knows how to make Keegan feel sexy and I am so more than okay with his control in the bedroom…or the gym (If you’ve read the book, you know what I’m saying)!

“Good girl. Now I want you to go to that little machine over there in the corner, and I want you to take everything off. There had better not be a single scrap of clothing left on your gorgeous body by the time that I get over there or I’ll bend you over and spank you till your ass is flaming red. Nod if you understand.”

Now let’s focus on Keegan. She’s in college, as a nursing major and looking for a way to get re-focused on school and to stop her mom’s interferences with her schoolwork. Her solution is moving out and this is how she enters Camden’s life. She’s instantly attracted to Camden but their first encounter leaves a bitter taste in her mouth. Keegan is still searching to find her strength, confidence in her self, and figuring out how to do things that make her happy. There is a growth in her through out the novel.  Keegan and Camden like to push each other’s buttons and most of the time it acts as foreplay, which then leads to crazy hot sex, no complaints here!

Not that any one of us would complain about sex sex sex, dominating the book, but there is also a balance between the steamy and sweet. Camden is close to his family, Macie and Keegan are a perfect angel and vixen duo, Keegan is so close to her sister she’s basically a mother figure, and even Camden and Keegan have quite a few sentimental interactions that leave you breathless.

…”You’ve been defiant, stubborn, difficult, and an all-around giant pain in the ass.” I giggle and wipe my tear filled eyes. “But… you’ve also been challenging, beautiful, open, and the most amazing person I’ve ever met. You were made for me Blue.”

Luke. What is it with guys named Luke?! Frat Douche. Next!

This is kind of random, but I had to throw this in here. The author used a few words or phrases that I was like; wow I love this woman,  “Tart” and “Hot Crotch.” I have totally added tart to my vocabulary and plan to use it on the regular.

The supporting characters are phenomenal, which is good since it’s the first in the series and some of these characters may be leads in the future books. Macie is the perfect friend for Keegan and I loved Dodger completely. He’s funny, sweet to Camden’s sour and also a great friend to Keegan.

My one gripe is - the hurtful words Camden speaks loud enough for Keegan to hear about her to Dodger in the beginning. I had hoped in the end there would be a better explanation for his words and I wasn’t really satisfied with he was scared and aiming to get under her skin. I knew at some point there would be some sort of conversation or explanation for his behavior but I wasn’t satisfied. I felt like, well why did he pick those words if it was never something that he thought, where did it come from? But oh well, this is really a very small complaint.

I went out in search for a book that was promised not to fail me and I found it. I would definitely read this book over and over again and I found myself instantly searching release dates for the next in the series the moment I finished this one. Bender more than satisfied my need for a guaranteed new book boyfriend and Camden is definitely on that list. I can’t wait to continue on with the series and I will tell you now it’s a must read recommendation from me! Stacy Borel will have you laughing from the sarcasm and bite, your palms sweating from Camden’s alpha male hotness, and your emotions in a tizzy from the drama and friendships in Bender.
Purchase Bender Here:

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