
Rave and Rant about Raunch


If you would like me to review your book on my blog, or if you would like me to host a book giveaway or promotion, please complete the contact form below. 

Books I Review: I am a romance junky. I will never completely cross something off my list but I just have not seemed to be able to get into the fantasy and paranormal aspect of the romance genre. Never say never but If you are a fantasy or paranormal author you may have better luck with someone who bleeds for these books. 

*However, I have added a reviewer to my team, Dottie and she enjoys fantasy and paranormal as well as a host of other genres. If I am not right to review your book, she may be.
Honesty in Reviewing: I cannot promise a positive review, however I am not into bashing books. I like to promote things I fall in love with, so as to encourage others to share  my addiction. Just because I do not care for a book doesn't mean someone else won't love it. If your book is not for me, I will be honest but you will never see a hateful book post on this blog. If I can't personally give your book at least a 3 star review, I won't do the review.

Blog followers and readers: I also love to hear from you. If you follow my blog and just want to contact me with comments or suggestions I would love to hear from you too!! <3 

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